He went to Gautama Haridrumata and said to him: “I wish to become your student, Sir – may I come to you, Sir?” He said to him: “Of what family are you, my friend?”
He replied: “I do not know, Sir, of what family I am. I asked my mother, and she answered – in my youth when I had to move about much as a servant, I conceived thee; I do not know of what family thou art; I am Jabala by name, thou art Satyakāma (analogous, Philalethes). I am therefore Satyakāma Jabala, Sir.
He said to him: “No one but a true Brāhmaṇa would speak so honestly. Go and fetch fuel, friend, I shall initiate you as a Brāhmaṇa. You have not swerved from the truth.”
—Chandogya Upanishad 4.4-9.